
Thursday, May 3, 2012


有用的医学名词:中英文对照 (妇产科)

妇产科: Obstetrics & Gynecology
子宫: Uterus
子宫口: Cervix
阴道: Vagina
月经: Menstruation (Periods)
下腹部痛: Lower abdominal pain
阴道分泌物: Vaginal Discharge
月经周期: Menstrual Cycle
月经痛: Dysmenorrhea
怀孕: Pregnancy
预产期: Date of delivery; Due date
害喜: Morning sickness
胎儿心音: Fetal Heart Sounds
流产: Miscarriage
堕胎: Abortion
破水: Membrane Rupture / Water broken
阵痛: Labor Pain
早期破水: Premature Rupture

腿抽筋: Leg Cramp
排卵: Ovulation
受精: Conception
着床: Implantation
胎儿: Fetus
胎动: Fetal Movement; Quickening
妊娠纹: Striations of Pregnancy (common saying: strech mark)
尿道炎: Urinary tract infection (缩写UTI)
蛋白尿症: Albuminuria
羊水过多: Polyhydramnion
胞状畸胎: Hydatid Mole
宫外孕: Ectopic Pregnancy
输卵管怀孕: Tubal Pregnancy
产道: Birth Canal
直肠检查: Rectal Examination
阴道检查: Internal (Vaginal) Examination
分娩: Delivery
子宫收缩: Contraction

会阴切开: Episiotomy
会阴缝合: Perineorrhaphy Stitch
产后: After Birth
脐带: Umbilical Cord
胎盘: Placenta
恶露: Lochia
早产: Premature Birth
死产: Still Birth
双胞胎: Twins
多胞胎: Multiple Birth
胎盘前置: Placenta Praevia
胎盘分离: Separation of the Placenta
盘卷脐带: Coiling of the Umbilical Cord
骨盆狭窄: Narrow Pelvic

会阴裂伤: Laceration of the Perineum
子宫破裂: Tubal Rupture
产褥热: Puerperal Fever
剖腹产: Caesarean Section
产钳助产: Forceps Delivery
母乳喂养: Brest Feeding
人工喂养: Bottle Feeding
初乳: Colostrum
新生儿: Newborn Baby
怀孕中毒症: Toxemia of Pregnancy
见红:The bloody show
紧急避孕药:morning after pill

Abortion clinic 流产医院
Hemorrhage 出血
Infection 感染
Perforation 穿孔
continued pregnancy 流产不完全
Complications with anesthesia 并发症

Celioscope operation 腹腔镜手术
Salpinx 输卵管(口语tube

First trimester 孕前三个月
Ultrasound 超声波
Laminaria tent 小棒
Aspirator machine 吸出器
Curette 刮匙
Antibiotics 抗生素
Birthcontrolpills 避孕药
Embryo 早期胎儿在7星期内
Cramp 腹痛
Clot 血块
Ovary 卵巢
Suction 吸取,抽气
Dilation 扩张
Catheter 导尿管
Diagnose 诊断
紧急避孕药:morning after pill
Dilation or Dilatation开指

pleasei want to use gas and air!!” 我要用笑气
i want to push!!!”
I want epidural! 我要麻醉药

1 comment:

  1. 婚后已经好多年了都还是没有自己的孩子,想找价格公道且服务好的,我朋友推荐的只有这家彼奥泰珂斯研究中心的代孕机构,朋友说他们真的是非常贴心,他们的医生是利用最新技术和最佳方法,帮助你们取得积极的IVF项目成果,很少会有这样的服务,非常值得你的尝试,不来这家你绝对会后悔。 Biotex (彼奥泰珂斯)
