
Friday, May 4, 2012


Month 4:Trunk Twist:

This exercise stretches your back, spine, and upper torso muscles.
  1. Sit with your legs crossed.
  2. Reach your left hand toward your left foot, and place your right hand at your side for support.
  3. Slowly twist your torso to your right.
  4. Switch your hands and twist to your left.
  5. Repeat left and right twists 5 to 10 times each.
Month 5: Forward Bend


  • to strengthen your lower back


  1. Stand with your feet approximately shoulder width apart.
  2. Bend slowly forward at the hips, keeping your back straight.
  3. Breathe deeply for a few breaths, before raising you torso back to the standing position.
  4. Repeat this action several times
2. Bend forward slowly, with your arms in front and hanging down. Stop if you feel any discomfort on your abdomen
3. Hold this position for 5 seconds, and then sit up slowly without arching your back. Repeat five times.(不知大家能看明白不,我没找到图)

Month 6: Backward Stretch

This exercise stretches and strengthens your back, thigh, and pelvic muscles.
  1. Kneel on hands and knees with your knees 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 centimeters) apart, hands directly under your shoulders, and arms and back straight.
  2. Keeping your arms straight, slowly lower your buttocks toward your heels and tuck your head toward your knees. Hold for a count of 5.
  3. Slowly return to the kneeling position.
  4. Do this exercise 5 times.

Month 7:   Rocking Back Arch
1. kneel on  your hands and knees,with your weight distributed evenly and your back straight.
2. Rock back and forth for a count of five.
3. Return to the original position and curl your back up as far as you can. Repeat 5-10times.

Month 8:  Leg Lift Crawl
This exercise strengthens your back and abdomen muscles.
  1. Kneeling on hands and knees, place your hands directly under your shoulders and straighten your arms.
  2. Lift your left knee and point it toward your elbow, while lowering your chin toward your chest.
  3. Slowly extend your leg behind you without completely straightening it, while raising your head to look in front of you. Avoid arching your back.
  4. Do left and right lifts 5 to 10 times each.
Month 9:  Upper Body Bends
This exercise strengthens your back and torso muscles.
  1. Stand with your hands on your hips, legs apart, and knees slightly bent.
  2. Keeping your upper back straight, bend forward slowly. You should feel a slight pull below your buttocks.
  3. Bend a total of 10 times.




自己在家练,  推荐Prenatal Yoga With Shiva Rea, 链接: 点击这里


1 comment:

  1. 现在的世界非常大,做代理孕母机构的公司也非常多,但是是不是每个都能去试还不知道,我本人推荐这家彼奥泰珂斯研究中心绝对可以相信,他们的医生利用最新技术和最佳方法,帮助你们取得积极的IVF项目成果,也有多语种的工作人员使客户留在诊所更舒适以及最好的代孕妈妈给你选择,你绝对不会后悔。 Biotex (彼奥泰珂斯)
